History and founding members
Hyperbaric Medicine, an area already enshrined at European and global level has entered Romania for a little while.
State medical Institutions, namely the Bucharest Aerospace Medicine Centre and the Moineşti Municipal Hospital in Bacău County, are equipped with two single-room baroque rooms, and their specialists carry out medical treatments through the process Hyperbaric oxygenotherapy. They are the spearhead, the engine development of this medical field
Private medical centers were also founded, equipped with multi-centre or Monoloc barrooms.
But This development of medical infrastructure has not been supported by legislation in the area of approval and operation of these centres. Neither from the point of view of the medical, auxiliary and technical staff, things are not regulated.
Thus, there are private medical centers that operate without a physician and medical centers operating with doctors of general medicine. Neither the minimum personnel structure of the hyperbarised medical centers is regulated.
Neither the minimum technical endowment of the bar is regulated, together with the auxiliary medical apparatus that must exist in a Hyperbar medical center is not currently regulated.
Neither the therapeutic method of hyperbaric oxygenotherapy is defined in the operating regulations of the Hyperbar medical centers, there are centers where the working pressure is below 2 ATA.
Last but Not least, neither the safety rules for staff and patients are regulated, along with the rules/criteria for patient admission in the Chambers for diagnosis and treatment.
Starting from these undisputed realities that behold, unfortunately all are present this year, 2019 in our country, the idea of the need to unite all specialists in the field of Hyperbaration Medicine in a professional association to Guide the development of Hyperbarine medicine in all its aspects, on solid, healthy bases.
Thus, an initiative group founded the Romanian Society of Hyperbaric Medicine, a professional association that waits in its ranks on all professionals in the field.
In 02.11.2016 was pronounced the Judgment establishing the association at the Constanta Court.
On 01.07.2017, in Moineşti, Bacău County, on the occasion of the celebrations of the XII Medical Days of the Municipal Emergency Hospital Moineşti, was held the first General Assembly of the Romanian Society of Hyperbaric Medicine, the occasion with which Joined the professional association physicians with competence in hyperbaric medicine in Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, Constanţa and Moineşti, Jud. Bacău.
From This date, the activity of the Romanian Society of Hyperbaric Medicine has focused on building its own website and on drafting the work and Safety Procedures Guidelines for patients and staff for making them available to the Ministry of To complement the legislation in the field.